The Book


[What have we got in there? Free, philosophical thoughts that are blunt for some, rude for many, nothing for ignorant guys, meaningful for those very few, nevertheless relevant to ALL. Check it out !]

Writer: Rajesh Latkar

All rights reserved with Rajesh Latkar 

The book is about YOU and this World-the world in your context. You first, because without YOU there is no world, someone else’s world is not your world. The humanity is ever evolving and the present day global fusion culture is far more interesting than it seems on the surface of it. It is time to take a deeper look, in your context. Remember YOU first.
THE SMART AND ASSHOLES, Yes, it is an unusual sounding title for the present time, will not be so later. What is politically incorrect today will be openly acceptable tomorrow, possibly outdated. That is how the process of human evolution works. However, the short for “The Smart and Assholes” is “S & A” for those who can’t pronounce ‘assholes’ for various reasons.
What is freedom? For most people freedom is ‘just a word on paper’ because they never exercise it, experience it. Freedom is no freedom till you exercise it. One of the most important freedoms, and freedom comes with responsibility, is freedom to ‘express your thoughts’. Your thoughts are important and sharing them in a responsible manner is the key. Anyone can and should express his thoughts. You need not be a famed writer, a celebrity, a sports person to express your mind. You could be an ordinary citizen with lots to say. I mean with loads of substance to share. The modern world has given you the freedom to express your thoughts. There are platforms like internet, the blog sites through which you can reach millions of like minded people like you.
Express your thoughts.
The human beings have yet not found the all acceptable answer, if there is something called ‘all acceptable’, to the question ‘Why am I here?’- an existentialist question, a philosopher’s delight. Most philosophies have attempted and are still trying to get the answer to that question. The answer seems to elude us. There is nothing wrong in accepting a fact. It is or it should be the biggest question in everybody’s life. However, ‘while you are here’ what one can do, have many options. One of the most responsible and higher options, regarded by scholars, is ‘to contribute to the evolution of human life.’ And how do you do that? Well, evolution starts with questioning beliefs, revisiting convictions, probing ethics again and then EXPRESSING, what you thought. Do not remain silent. If all the thoughts that have accumulated in your mind after experiencing and analyzing all the above, let the world know about it. The evolution will not benefit if all remained silent. Also, it will definitely not benefit, if only the limited, trained, professional noise makers shouted like a herd. Evolution needs many voices to inch forward - especially, the voices of dissent. Some may benefit out of your expressions and some may dismiss it. Some may want to use that knowledge as important piece of information for their study of humanity and some will declare you an idiot. Some may apply that information in real life, like wisdom, while some will exactly learn what not to do in life from your thoughts. That’s possible. People think differently. Remember, your expressions have a role in this universe, every sound, every view, and every expression matters to the world. Bro, If you stay hollow, you go hollow one day, wasting the resources, the planet has spent on you. Shake it up man, get into action. Give it back to the earth. 
‘Aphorism’ form of writing is ‘realistic writing’- no frills. All men perceive things differently, that’s how nature has made us, with varying degrees of perceptions.  Aphorism gives freedom to the reader to understand the written words, their way. It is like seeing the shades of grey in the ‘black and white writing’ of the writer. Ornamental, wordy writing is pushy, an attempt to convince, a bait to convert the reader with smart words, almost luring him to buy the point.
Strangest thing about the ‘word’ is, as the word is a medium to inform and empower, it is also a bigger medium to fool and misguide. Words can be heavy, dubious, complicated, an attempt to impress you than to transform you. Written words have been used to harm, than to help. Smart men can see through the conspiracy, and shake off the harmful part.  Aphorism limits the fooling and misguiding, due to its ‘minimalist’ style, the final interpretation is that of the smart reader. He concludes, contemplates, yes at times refuses. A lot is left to the reader, the smart reader. It is quite balancing and democratic. It gives a lot of power to the reader and not all the power remains with the writer.
‘Words’ are inadequate in expressing your thoughts fully. It is a double edged sword. Though, It helps convey your thoughts, many times it conveys ‘not fully’ and sometimes ‘wrongly’. Have you ever questioned the ability of words to express your thoughts completely? The real power of words lies in using them minimally. More words mean more confusion and less focus. Wordy expressions loose the edge, loose the intensity and the reader’s/listener’s interest. Some of the most important expressions are felt by ‘action’ and feelings conveyed by ‘eye contact’ and ‘touch’, not by words. Anyway, your thoughts, after expressing them, do not remain ‘your thoughts’. They become ‘interpretations of readers’. When you use more words you are encroaching in his space of understanding those thoughts his way, by trying to influence him. You can make more points with a few words but a few points and more words is boring, an attempt to convince you.  
Marketing is powerful and has it’s own rules. Verbose books work well for marketers. Marketers think that, buyers feel good, paying money for a fat book but feel unsure paying the same price for a slimmer book. Marketers are not wrong at all. This is commonsense. Expressing your thoughts has many hurdles, it is one of those- popular notions. Marketing strategies are best suited to promote mass products to masses. If your product is not for masses, you can take a different route.  And yes, a book on the blog site can be small. 
In this book, the expressions real men, higher men, intelligent men are for ‘Smart men’ and expressions lower men, commoners, masses are all for ‘Assholes’. Herd, people, groups are ‘Societies’ they live in. Higher man does not mean he is from higher class, religion, race or caste. It is very clear. First chapter is very important and connects with all other chapters ahead.
Above all most thoughts have come from observations. It is impossible that all thoughts can be from your own personal experiences. Evolution will be such a painfully slow process without interesting observations.
There are chapters that cover notes on the matters related to the ‘humanity’ all over the globe and there are chapters that cover traits in ‘individuals’. That is going from really ‘big’ to really ‘small’. The idea is to open up with the ‘big’ and follow down up to the ‘small’. We expose to the bigger world, reaching the skies first, taking the view from the skies so that we measure up smaller issues on the ground, as really too small- because they are small. You are a global citizen first and the citizen of your country, the citizen of your state and district, city, colony, lane, etc later. ‘Global first and local later’ is the spirit. Why are we always hesitant in laying our rightful claim on the planet we are born? Why are we poor in ideas? In thinking big? Can you afford to stay in the lame, ‘throw-anything-at-me- will-accept’ category forever or you want to make some individual noise? Make a difference?         
Lastly, ‘Facts are easy to state but are they that easy to stomach?’ It is ‘possible’ that some readers may feel a part of the content, racist, sexual, and pro violence. It is definitely not the intention and there is no attempt to promote any of those either. This ‘possibility’ is because of aphorism and minimalism in writing. The advantages of aphorism are huge and many though there are minor irritants with aphorism. In aphorism, some misinterpretations are possible because the readers interpret stuff the way they want and there is not much explanation and defense offered by the writer. The writer must refrain from defending, that’s the whole idea anyway.
This is a different kind of information data download in your mind. You don’t download the data exactly as it is sent to you, like computers. You download the data, after you understand it, perceive it, argue with it, agree with it, disagree with it, edit it the way you can and then download it, in your mind.
What will you do without questions? The bigger question is what the evolution will do without questions? The biggest truth told in the shortest possible way is ‘You live and you die’. But then again the question is, why do we live? How do we live? That starts ‘thinking’ and ‘evolution’.
Read on……             



1.       The Smart and Assholes.
2.       Global Fusion Culture.
3.       World view.
4.       Man versus Woman.

Coming soon

6.       Communication.
7.       Human emotions.


1.      Division: The world is NOT divided between the Rich and Poor. It is divided between two groups, the ‘Smart guys’ and the ‘Assholes’. THE SMART and ASSHOLES are the titles of two categories here. These titles represent two very different groups of people.

2.      No Definition, only closest description: There are no permanent definitions. In the process of evolution, nothing is permanent, not even the definitions. Closest description for ‘Smart’ guys goes like this. A smart man goes for attaining ‘power’. He chooses to gain power, finally wields the power and exercises that power. That power could be the power of intelligence, money, physical power, social power, administrative power, political power, artistic power and any higher power you can name. It gives him the higher hierarchical position over others. He holds on to power and sets rules for lower hierarchical assholes. All his decisions are made by him are in ‘his context’ and in the context of his ‘real life experiences’. He enjoys and nourishes positive energies to live a life full of power. He believes in wisdom, reason, logic and science. He overcomes most fears in life as a result of application of his smartness to his thinking. Assholes in general are what ‘smart’ men are not. Assholes are weakest in power or have no desire to attain power. They follow the rules set out for them by smart men, with higher intensity and loyalty than the 'smart' would have imagined and expected from assholes. The Smart guys has a separate set of rules for themselves, which they may follow or not follow.

3.      No Malice: The word ‘asshole’ here combines the meanings attached to stupid, exploited, foolish, weak, moron, powerless more and not the way it is used as an abuse, a cuss word targeted at lowly men, to disrespect them as a human beings.  

4.      Everywhere: There are ‘smart rich’ and ‘smart poor’, similarly there are ‘rich assholes’ and ‘poor assholes’. It is all about the mindset.

5.      Restless: Smart men have many questions and they seek answers, all the time. Assholes have no questions and they live in a herd following whatever comes their way or what has been told to them to do. Smart people want to know ‘Why’. Smart people exercise choice. They remain restless till their questions get satisfying answers.

6.      No Bias: Race, religion, gender, region plays ‘no role’ in making one a smart man or an asshole. It is a choice that an individual exercises using his resources, that slots him if one is smart or an asshole.

7.      Nobody is born smart: We all graduate from different levels to become ‘smart’ and ‘free’. Your environment does play an important role in making the atmosphere conducive for freedom. Hostile and conservative atmosphere will delay the process. Open societies, access to information, amazing life experiences will accelerate the process. It is YOU and ONLY YOU who sets yourself free.

8.      Nobody is born an asshole: One degenerates into an asshole. An asshole can definitely transform into a smart man.

9.      Discouragement: Sometimes the circumstances and atmosphere will be very much ‘stay- assholes’. It can only lengthen your phase of staying more in the ‘asshole nation’ but a real higher man will grow out of it soon, and turn smart.

10.  Minority status: Smart men are always in minority and the assholes are always in majority. The majority is herded by the minority.

11.  Strength: The smart minority is stronger than the majority if it is driven by logic, rationale and science.

12.  Violence: Who wants to promote violence? No sane person wants to promote it. Who wants to deny the existence of violence in human life? Only an asshole can. The point is violence is all pervasive in our lives. You can see it only if you keep your eyes open. Did you enjoy the bacon and eggs today morning? Was the angry honk of the driver who screeched behind you, in the morning traffic a bit louder?

13.  Two types: Hold on, violence as we discus here, is of two types- physical and mental. Those abusive ‘You Tube’ comments, on innocent video posts are ‘violent’. Keeping the animals in cages is ‘violence’ combined with cruelty. Denying equal opportunities to all is ‘violence’.

14.  Blood: Cowards fear blood. Smart men are not scared of blood and they remove that fear very early in life. 
15.  Smart people see wit and sarcasm: One thing smart people do know is that ‘life is for living to the fullest’. Negative Emotions, activities that drain all the positive energies from your life are not for them. They develop a smart way that combines wit and sarcasm to deal with serious and pleasant, both situations in life. Nothing is too pleasing and nothing is too serious for them. Anything that is too pleasant is treated with sarcasm and anything too serious is treated with a bit of wit. Those things are fabulous stress busters.

16.  You decide: One very important point about smart and assholes is, if one is smart, then it is not decided by others, it is felt by him. People can’t judge you if you were smart or even an asshole because they don’t know you fully. That right solely rests with you. They have no right to judge you either. No one experiences that he is an asshole, however he can experience that he is going through the transformation from ‘asshole to smart’. That’s enough.

17.  Smart chill: Smart men do not suffer drudgery. Assholes do. However, suffering is important for assholes, it works like a push, bringing changes in them and moving them towards transformation. Some of them are pretty hopeless though.

18.  Irresponsible man: The man calls himself a higher animal. Obviously because we are rating ourselves. We take too much pride in our developed brains and our quite evident achievements. We are patting our own backs. Wonder, how earth would rate us? How other animals would rate us? The man is the only animal which is destroying the earth’s soil and earth’s waters by adding non degradable materials, poisonous toxins to it. The man continues to do it inspite of knowing the fact that this will make the future generations suffer and die. What happened to the celebrated instinct, which cared for their children, their future? Now, that brings you to another question, is there any other animal more selfish than man?

19.  Dinosaurs have stayed and gone: It is a short sentence but in that short sentence they stayed for 130 long million years. The man has come now. Is he a messenger of doom? Who calls himself a higher animal? Or is he the foulest and the dumbest of all?

20.  Classic: Smart people turn assholes when they text while they drive. Many assholes die and kill others when they do that.

21.  Royal rules: Monarchy is still there in the modern world. It is real in some countries and symbolic elsewhere. Modern day monarchy is less about monarchs, it is more about the ‘subjects’. It is about making the ‘subjects’, assholes, realize that they are being ruled. It is about telling the assholes that there is a set of rules made for them by the ‘rulers’. It is about the set of rules which the ‘subjects’ accept and surrender to. It is making them feel that they are being ruled, reminding them again and again. It is the superiority of the smart which they want assholes to accept. Today’s Monarchy wages no war, that power lies with the politicians. Presence of monarchy strengthens the sense of hierarchy.

22.  Think: Violence follows material acquisitions. Bigger the acquisitions bigger the violence.

23.  Shit happens: Expect it any time, any moment and anywhere. Smart guys know this and stay prepared, kind off.

24.  New asshole: In the modern world, many men are not just ordinary assholes, they are hitting further depths. Assholes strive to invent sub categories. This ‘new one’ is called ‘Blind consumers’. Smart marketers design new schemes to promote ‘frivolous products’ and convince the assholes to buy them. Like zombies and robots ‘Consumers’ keep on devouring these products, obviously not questioning whether they really need those products or not, also not knowing when to stop. ‘Consumers’ are tempted to use the credit cards ‘now’ and think ‘later’. They are offered attractive loans. The ‘Consumers’ are treated as someone very important. It’s a trick to make the consumers feel ‘special’. Marketers are only interested in the consumer’s money. 

25.  Me too please: A ‘Consumer’ follows herd mentality. If his peers own a product, which he does not own yet, then he is likely to think that he must own the same product very soon, otherwise he will be viewed inferior or lowly in his social circle. He is gripped by fear that others will reject him if he does not possess that product and be like his contemporaries. Marketers very well know this mentality and design all their marketing plans based on the ‘Insecurity’ and the ‘Inferiority complex’ of the consumer.

26.  Different strokes for different folks: In a meeting of smart people, discussions are on higher issues, in lower tones, without anger, with diplomacy, with blaming others, with conspiracies and likely to result in either violence or peace later. In a meeting of assholes the discussions are on lower issues, in high pitched shouting tones, very angry, with no tact, mostly defending the actions and will result in small futile fights on the spot.

27.  Creative cheat: A creative person is more likely to be a cheat and dishonest than a non creative person. He applies his creativity in all possible areas including cheating.  

28.  Genius winks: The creators of mediocre work celebrate their glory with bigger noise. It is interesting that the genius secretly enjoys other’s mediocrity, viewing it as a work of fools and immature more and less like work of a competitor. He knows, without mediocrity for comparison a genius’s work will never stand out. Also, mediocrity warns the genius, which path he should avoid. Mediocrity helps genius on what ‘not to do’.

29.  Route through stomach: Dinner diplomacy hardly goes waste. It is 100 times more effective than, mere discussions. Food and drinks are a fantastic treat since ancient times to win a point.

30.  Chill time: Smart people know how to enjoy a good time and some of them do use alcohol smartly. Alcohol in small quantities is good to stimulate creativity and honesty in your brain. Huge quantities and day time use is for assholes.

31.  Discourse by Ass: Smart people are punished ruthlessly when they attend public meetings or lectures by assholes and the speaker is bullshitting incessantly. You can’t get up and go, you can’t put in ear plugs, the only choice you have is to endure. It is as severe as physical torture. Bullshitting by assholes is devoid of reason, logic and scientific support.

32.  The Journey: Smart guys celebrate their efforts not the result. The materialistic, celebrity culture is too dependent on success and failure. Smart celebrate success of course, but the failure does not leave them depressed for too long. Soon he bounces back and he celebrates the failure too. The efforts invested are more important than the end result.

33.  Secrets: War crimes are best kept under wraps. The victims don’t survive to tell stories if they would, all the fake things floating about, cherishing our great ‘Human qualities’ would vanish. Humans are the cruelest of all animals in the world. They do not just kill they take pleasure in giving pain before killing. Nuts.

34.  Cuss words: Love them? or hate them? They are going be around anyway because they are effective.  They have survived evolution. There is no denying that cuss words help you express the emotions best and it removes the layers of hypocrisy, pretensions attached to conversations. Facts are facts. Let’s get it ‘freaking’ straight. 

35.  Right kind of Charity: There is a natural, ‘upright arc’ in the back of smart people who help the poor, through charity and they don’t use charity for self publicity. There is a ‘reverse arc’ in the back of assholes. They display the kind of body language one sees in unhealthy conniving thieves, when they use charity to promote themselves. That charity comes mostly from guilt. Inspite of giving, the giver looks like a beggar.

36.  No means no: Smart men are sure about their ‘Nos’ as much as their ‘Yess’.

37.  No confusion: Smart guys understand the difference between reality and wishful thinking. Ranting on wishful thinking is useless.  

38.  Money don’t matter: Being a ‘Smart poor’ is anytime a better situation than being a ‘Rich asshole’. Primarily because the smart knows how to ‘live a life’. What’s the point if you have all the riches and you don’t know how to live a life? The rich asshole is likely to make all wrong decisions regarding how he lives his life. There are many such situations one gets to witness in the society. 

39.  Think: Reality is never scary the scared people from reality are scary.

40.  Smartass grandparents: Most grand parents feel that they are the ‘smartest, modern and knowledgeable grandparents ever lived’ on the planet and most grand children think of them as ‘respectable individuals with most out dated knowledge’. This happens because the contexts are different. Grandparents consider themselves knowledgeable than last grandparents they have seen, who were probably their own parents. Newer generations acquire more knowledge due to technology, science etc. The kids look at their grandparents in the context of today’s time, technology and knowledge. For kids if you can’t handle a latest gadget you are yesterday. You are not smart.

41.  Thanks: Can you thank the philosophers of the world enough? Philosophers may be Greek, Western, American, Eastern, Indian, Arabic, Chinese, Persian, Japanese, African, Native they have taught humanity various lessons mainly on ‘life’ and ‘wisdom’. Philosophers civilized the human beings. Evolution leapfrogged under their guidance. 

42.  Learn from others: Similarly, it is very important to study the ‘lives’ of the great world leaders, prophets, saints than just study their achievements. If the greats are hailed as role models and greater human beings then it is important to understand how they led lives with full of power. It may help many commit fewer mistakes in their own lives just by studying the lives of the greats.

43.  Mediocrity: Assholes love mediocrity in creations. Mediocrity and their level of intelligence are perfectly compatible. Mediocrity is the maximum limit the assholes can rise up to. Some assholes appreciate pathetically low levels too- lower than mediocrity. Anyone with mediocre body of work will do well with assholes and any one that rises above mediocrity will either be ignored by the assholes, for lack of understanding or punished by them for not falling in line. Great works are always above mediocrity and appreciated by the minority smart people first and later followed by the majority assholes. Great works are never at the mercy of any one’s appreciation and will shine like polished diamonds dazzling in full glory. It is just a matter of time till the world surrounds these beauties, award the appreciation and value it deserves.
44.  Punk and Freaks: Society treats them with disgust and dismisses them immediately as misfits. Some of them are rebels with a cause and some of them are not. They deserve better treatment by the society however one would doubt if the punks and freaks really care about it at all?

45.  Not all mad are mad: Mad men get more time for themselves and more solitude. They can surprise people with unique insights and wisdom in the areas most unexpected.

46.  Body: Smart people take care of their bodies by taking proper diet, exercising and cleaning. How can you expect a smart brain to dwell in a sick body? Good health means healthy body and healthy mind. Apart from that, healthy body has numerous benefits and smart guys know a few of them and the smartest know most of them. Imagination matters.

47.  Self making: You create yourself. Smart guys know this fully well while assholes will never get it. Smart guys are powered by this and move like an arrow towards the aim and assholes move about like a piece of driftwood floating in a river.

48.  Change: What is a brilliant idea ‘today’ will be an outdated idea ‘tomorrow’. Nothing is spared by evolution, it is a slow process and not like a wave of tsunami. Though, as much all devouring.

49.  Studying is fun: History, philosophy, psychology, geography, humanity are not boring subjects they are fun subjects for smart people. Formal education and some boring teachers successfully turn them into very boring subjects. And yes, you need to live a lot of life to get it. You need that maturity to absorb it. No harm finishing your Harry Potter fun, before you get into something bigger.

50.  Sinking deeper: Our ‘Commoners’ or ‘assholes’ are guys from all regions, religions, races and languages. They are anybody, those who get exploited. They waste the immense energies bestowed upon them by nature, in meaningless activities. They refuse to hear the voices of reason, rationality and science. They resist the changes, good or bad because of the herd mentality and they just want to follow what has been followed for generations. They do not question. They have very limited knowledge and understanding of life around them, which makes their lives more difficult, full of drudgery and full of meaningless fears. They contribute nothing to the process of human evolution.
51.  Fear Factor: Assholes are too eager to apologize even when they have made no mistakes, they are always apologetic.

52.  Common ills: A smart guy would not smoke tobacco because ‘science’ tells him that. A smart guy would not drink and drive because ‘reason’ tells him that.

53.  Criticism of art: A smart man would criticize art in a balanced manner. Whenever he sees a creation, and if he has no great words of praise for it, he would not resort to running it down. He very well understands that, it is someone’s labor of love and the creator has a point of view which may not always match with the viewer’s point of view. He understands that not all great works of art are popular and not all popular art is great. He understands that the creation is bigger than the creator and he respects the creation even when he may not have liked it very much. He understands respecting a ‘Piece of art’.

54.  Wrong words: A smart man would use his words appropriately. He knows, more and unnecessary words have the potential to mislead and confuse. He knows angry and hurtful words can make enemies. 

55. Strange but true: When you sympathize with crooked sad people, sometimes they get the 'power of knowing your weakness' which is sympathy for them and they can choose to torment you at will with that power. Exercising discretion is important in parting with your sympathy. 

56. Education and Consumers: Brace yourself for this. Students from kindergarten to post graduate colleges are treated as 'Consumers' by the businessmen who run the business of education. The era of education being a state responsibility is history. What is being called 'education' is 'qualification' to get jobs. Life gives you real education and wisdom. 

Global Fusion Culture

1.Culture today: This is serious stuff. Today’s ‘Global Fusion Culture’ is a very important stage in the evolution of human life on planet earth. It is so damn important because never ever in the history, different people, countries, regions, continents have shared a culture which looks quite ‘uniform’ throughout the world. ‘The Global Fusion Culture’.

2.Insecurity: The purists, protectionists, radicals, conservatives will all deny this and oppose it but ‘reality’ is no-one’s slave. It stands right in front of you-challenging.

3.Global Fusion Culture: Cultures are fusing with one another like never before. We have a world global culture where the eastern and western cultures have fused together. The intensity and level of influence on the native culture by the joining culture varies from countries to countries. It is one of the most beautiful things that have happened to the human evolution, cultures are ‘fusing’ not ‘dividing humanity’.

4.Visual effect: All metro cities of the world from Japan in the east to America in the west, the entire length of the globe, cities look so much similar. Skyline, architecture [modern glass and steel structures], infrastructure [streets, public transport, services], cars, buses, advertising all these strong elements that form the visual of a metro city are very similar. One can make out the difference only after taking a closer look at the people walking on the streets. People give away the identity of the region. 

5.Different shades: Global fusion culture does vary from country to country, may be in local details and strong or weak cultural influences but by large if you take an overview it is the same universal culture that has spread all over now.

6.We are one: This period is probably as important for humanity as much as ‘renaissance’ period was. Future generations will know that better and present generation will be gone by then, without understanding they were a part of a great phase in human history. The world is slowly becoming one culture.

7.Easterner: If you are an easterner and you know a lot about your national heros and you don’t know much about the contributions of Greeks in philosophy, culture, democracy, politics, you are not a part of the global fusion culture. A lot of things in the global culture will find some connection with Greek philosophy and Greek’s pioneering studies in various fields.

8.Existentialists: Contribution of existentialist philosophers from Europe during pre and post world wars is immense. They actually showed us the way to look at things differently. Those world wars accelerated the human evolution and jolted us and we reviewed the way we ‘thought’ and the way we ‘saw the world’. Existentialists gave the power back to ‘you’ and to ‘your existence’.

9.Westerner: If you are a westerner and if you are ignorant of the great philosophers of the east mostly Persian, Indian and Chinese, then one’s knowledge of the world is only western and not truly global.

10.  Late to the party: Human evolution is a lengthy and a slow process. We, humans are pretty late on this planet. One single life of a man is too short a time but his thoughts that help the process of evolution goes a long way and that is your real contribution and a bigger mark than the small life span spent on this earth. There is a fantastic analogy that encompasses our stay on the planet earth. “If the 4.5 billion year history of the earth were to be measured in proportion to one year, man would not appear until Dec. 31st, at 8:30 in the evening!”

11.  We all go: It seems that we are the rulers of the world today but looking at the timeline it is clear that we are some of the very late arrivals here. Many species have come and gone before us. Looking at our higher place in the food chain, it certainly appears that, we will continue to survive and evolve. But there will be a time to go.

12.  Two sides: Every individual of this culture is more guarded because he is more watched than the individuals from earlier generations. Technology has invaded your privacy. As a result of that, all individual’s two distinct sides, are more pronounced- the public side and the dark side. It’s not that earlier man did not have it but the distinction was vague. Smart people hide the dark side well while the assholes are poor in doing so. When a smart person dies, sometimes others can never say that they knew him completely. Because most of his real personality is hidden in the dark side. He leaves behind his public persona. However, many things later surface, after his death and a bit of the dark side is revealed. It is impossible to know anybody fully.

13.  Knowledge revolution: Internet is the lifeline of knowledge, running through all cultures, countries and continents. It needs no permissions, no passport and no visa. It is solely responsible for the ‘Knowledge revolution’ it has brought along. It has strengthened the global culture. Like many other useful mediums for spread of knowledge, before internet, like books and TV, Internet too, is lately in danger of being used as a new tool for propaganda.

14.  Philosophers online: Wonder how the great philosophers would have reacted to the phenomenon called the internet, if they were alive today? One thing is sure, after applauding the user they would have advised him to get his ass off that chair and visit real life too.

15.  Importance of marketing: Marketing is becoming bigger than the products. This is a clear sign of our idiotic approach and things loosing sense of proportion.

16.  Marketing is science: Make no mistake, marketing is science. Marketing creates miracles out of small things. There are great marketing success stories. How will you justify Coca Cola’s success all over the world?

17.  On the other hand: Modern day, global fusion culture, ‘individuals’ are turning out to be lame, lethargic, ungraceful because of lack of challenges, in everyday life. Real challenges that involve injuries, death, like wars. The new lifestyle is easy, sedentary. Sloth is slowing their evolution. We should not forget, no matter what you do, either in a city or in a village or a desert, you are still a part of this vast nature and all the rules of the nature are applicable to you too. We need to exercise regularly, keep ourselves physically fit and take the challenges, mental and physical. 

18.  Global sport: Football is a huge brand ambassador of the global culture. No sport has brought together countries, continents and the world together like football has done. The religions are blamed for dividing the world while football has united the world. Rival countries participate in football tournaments, sportingly, without feeling much of bitterness towards rivals, which they would otherwise feel off the football grounds. It is a sport where you need highest level of stamina and fitness, that’s why football is an unofficial indicator of a country’s fitness level. Football truly supports nature’s rule of ‘Survival for the fittest.’ Here the meaning of the fittest is the skilled, athletic, agile and hungry for the goals. That is a fit footballer.

19.  Pets are important and how? : “A part of your life remains untouched if you do not enjoy the company of pets.” Pets, be it a cat or a dog or any other pet, is no more just a companion now. In the global world it is your link in connecting you back to the nature and keeping you anchored to the nature while you are in constant danger of flying away from the roots and getting lost in the maze of brands, advertising and debts. A real man will keep a pet. And take care of the pet in the best possible way.  

20.  Traveling:  Traveling and while doing so meeting people and studying their history is important. It is not for the ‘external effect’ or only for vacation, good times, entertainment but more for ‘self discovery’. It is more for the ‘internal effect’. Positioning yourself next to other cultures gives you a different perspective towards ‘you’ and ‘your people’. Traveling has no substitute like exposure by TV and books etc. It is a wholesome experience that can’t be replaced by other mediums. A well traveled person is better equipped to deal with the global culture.

21.  Business and Trade: All truly giant business corporations are global companies. They are a part of this Global fusion phenomenon. No major corporate can grow by limiting their business to their region only. They must sell the products worldwide. It is this global business that funds the global fusion culture. The movement across the globe gives momentum to global fusion. Global fusion culture and global trading are inseparable. They feed each other. Growth of one means guaranteed growth for the other.

22.  Growth in business: The word ‘Growth’ is music to everyone’s ears. ‘Growth’ employs people and ‘No Growth’ sacks them. Growth is required at any cost now, even at the cost of ethics and honesty. Growth’s ally Corruption used to meet him in the nights now they meet during the day- brazenly.

23.  Global corruption: It’s not that corruption did not exist before. It was always there and likely to stay. Money has changed hands in this socially not acceptable yet universally present practice of corruption. In the global culture the quantum of that money is humongous. Countries are bribing countries, leave alone the individuals and corporations.

24.  Global money: Only a small percentage of global money is currency rest is electronic money. The money does not exist, physically, the power of money exists big time though.

25.  Role of ‘isms’: There is no single ‘ism’ in the Global culture. The best of all has fused together.

26.  Fake global activists: There is always a danger of ‘fear mongers’, ‘publicity seekers’ taking advantage of a global situation, making it dramatically, disproportionately, big and scare the commoners. There are always many commercial interests involved in such false scares. Global warming, global fresh water shortage and global environment destruction are such issues, which anybody picks up and starts scaring the world. Infact work at micro or regional level on these matters is sensible and effective for the local communities than drumming the issue globally for an effect. People love attention, don’t they?  

27.  Brands and poor: All the shopping malls all over the world look the same.  Most brands are common in these malls. The more importance brands will gain, the more poor will suffer. The poor will be compelled to aspire for the things which they can’t afford. Smart people do not chase brands.

28.  Money: One interesting question you feel like asking the ‘radicals’ from any religion and it is, “Is there a new religion called money? Because we get to see some bitterest religious rivals collaborating for money.” This is reality and can be observed by anyone, when you see partnerships and alliances at the street level and at international level, and between different nations. Money is so very powerful that it brings together strange ideologies.

29.  Religion: Any discussion on religion is fruitful only if it involves uniting people and friendships between religions.

30.  Consultants and professionals: New breed of professionals are weak in ethics. When a professional becomes a businessman there are no ethics. There is a big difference between a professional and a businessman.

31.  Mostly city now: Agreed the Global fusion culture is a mostly an urban phenomenon but don’t cities guide the rural populace always?

32.  Florence: It is called the birthplace of ‘Renaissance’. One visit to Florence during a lifetime would be worth it. The construction of “Duomo” marks the beginning of Renaissance Architecture. Does it look magnificent? Sure it does. If Florence is the birthplace of renaissance, then can New York be called the birthplace of Global fusion culture?  

33.  Watch your back: Fusion or no fusion, smart guys watch their backs. Backstabbers are always around. They stab when you least expect it. New global culture is not a new heaven. Violence, crime, treachery, conspiracies, espionage are permanent features of human life. Along with love, compassion, and brotherhood.

34.  British Magic: Can one actually thank the Great Britain enough? Especially the eastern countries? Agreed, as the rulers and colonizers they plundered the resources and wealth of those countries but what they offered in return was very very important too. There was a huge price many countries had to pay but to study what they earned in return is very interesting. British people were some of the better colonizers history has ever seen because they offered so much in return, they were less cruel, they did not believe in religious conversions, they did not believe in destroying local cultures, they promoted education, they developed infrastructure, developed armed forces, taught western constitution, judiciary, governance, the list is quite long and it deserves a book exclusively dedicated on these topics. British civility is the best civility you can see in the world and if you are learning from the best, obviously you get an advantage over those who learn from bad teachers. Many Indian Asians or people of Indian origin are doing extremely well in the USA, Canada and the UK and are considered one of the most educated and high earning groups of all immigrant groups there. Ofcouse hard work and talent matters but the English speaking skills and education worked too for the Indians, and it is mostly thanks to British people. Many Easterners, Asians are mixing with the global culture, quite easily because they have learnt the global language, which is undeniably English. Those people, cultures who resisted and continue to resist English language will make slower progress. English is the language of the world. It is the language of the global fusion culture.

35.  Mandarin: The Chinese language is spoken by the most people in the world, more than English, yet China is promoting English for it’s own people. China wants the youth to learn and speak English. China knows English is the world language for international business, science, participation in the international community, and internet. That is pragmatism. That is smart thinking. There are more English speaking people in China today than in the USA. No wonder next Hollywood cowboy film will be set not in the southern USA but in the southern China.

36.  Making of the world map: British people have drawn more lines on the global map than any other army. Most borders of the countries are drawn by them because they were the ‘rulers’ of those countries at that time. How much bloodshed they saved by doing so is difficult to calculate because there is no barometer to calculate number of deaths in potential catastrophes. The least assholes could learn form British people is 'detailing', which in other words is 'healthy sarcasm', also known as 'Brit sense of humor'. 

37.  Responsible advertising: Advertising is the back bone for generating revenues. What about the advertising that lies, misguides?  Will it pay back the losses?

38.  Think: Being an asshole is a luxury sometimes. Like on the lines of ‘ignorance is bliss’. But not very long.

39.  Role of western culture: Brother, hypocrisy is powerful, ego plays mind games, pride can influence minds but brace up for this fact and accept this, Western culture is a huge huge part of the new global fusion culture. It may be a little difficult for the easterners to accept that. In reality, people who criticize, deny the larger role of the western culture seem very confused. They enjoy all the comforts and benefits of the western culture, yet they do not accept the contribution of the western culture. They would drive in a plush car, speak English, dress in western clothes, live in modern apartments, eat western food, all very western, yet criticize. Because it is all political, sometimes opposing western culture gets them followers, votes. They play with the insecure sentiments of the voters, the commoners, especially with commoner’s sentiment of pride, which resists assimilation. There is one more variety that will refuse to accept the contribution of the western society- the radicals. These people are alive ‘today’ but virtually live in the ‘medieval times’. A category least reasonable yet hugely impactful on masses. Rejection by a few does not change the reality.

40.  Role of Europe: Europe has been the flag bearer in the evolution of humanity, headed by Greeks and Romans in the early times. Of course other eastern cultures have progressed all along but the point is Europe has lead the way, in human evolution.  This is no comment on the depth and tremendous progress by other cultures. Every culture is unique. Every culture is special for it’s own people, for the world too. Western cultures and eastern cultures have been exchanging knowledge throughout the history. It’s not that they did not exchange knowledge before. The exchange of knowledge is highest now and the east has benefited the most now. How can we really not accept the role of western culture is shaping the global fusion culture the way it has shaped?  Isn’t it simply evident and all around us?

41.  Early spread of European culture: European culture is the dominant world culture across major continents. Of course, firstly throughout Europe including the vast Russia, then Americas, Australia, parts of Africa and parts of Asia are nothing but extensions of European culture. All these new branches have acquired new identities which are different from the parent version but let’s not make any mistake, it all came from Europe. European culture is dominant, it wields power but along with that it is most civilized, democratic and liberal. There can be a separate book on this subject only a mere thought in this book.

42.  Humanity benefits: It would be wrong for easterners to feel sad for giving western civilization greater importance. Ultimately, they should think how the global human community is benefiting. It would be an error to think on the lines that westerners are superiors to easterners or Greeks are superior to other Europeans or Athenians are superior to other Greeks. The chain of comparisons will stop at the caveman. That is small thinking. Bigger thinking is humanity is sharing, benefiting, evolving and freeing itself in the global fusion world.

43.  Global F word: Anything that survives is important. One thing that traveled long and wide is the F word in the global culture. If F word has survived the evolution it is going to stay. The F word is completely OK with smart people. Ask the President. However, assholes still sulk when they hear the usage. Ofcourse there are dos and don’ts. There are platforms and there are public spaces.

44.  Just a phenomenon, with a silver lining: It’s not that the global fusion culture will end all the ills the world is facing. It is a just a very good unifier, the best, till date. Countries will fight, there will be wars and corruption will not end. Yes, sure the backwards will be introduced to logic, science and reason fast, that would help them liberate themselves. There will be ‘brother-from-another-mother’ community of guys from different countries thinking alike, forming and growing. Good and Evil remains till eternity.

45.  Positive part of poverty: Poverty can teach one some invaluable lessons about living life, that the rich will never learn, unless they have great observation skills and imagination. Those who have grown from poor to rich have an advantage if they are smart. They learn lessons from poverty and enjoy the comforts of richness.  

46.  Think: What’s the point if the evolution of humanity does not help in poverty reduction and upliftment of the suppressed?

47.  Irony of brands: Global culture can create some strange cross culture situations. When one country makes an international brand it wants to promote the same brand globally. When that brand or that name travels to another culture, sometimes it sounds extremely derogatory in the language of that culture, which could work completely against the brand. In such situations companies respect the regional sensibilities and change the brand names. For example, the big car manufacturer from Japan, Toyota had manufactured a car called MR2 but when the car travelled to France the company realized that the name MR2 sounded pretty close to French words “Est merdeux” which can be translated “it is shitty”. Looking at the business interests, Toyota changed the name of the car model in France to “MR”.

48.  Sounds and meanings: Sounds of different words from one language can create comic situations in another language. “Mist” in English becomes "manure" in German, an “ape” becomes a "bee" in Italian, “pain” becomes "bread" in French, etc. In English “Gift” is present while in German “Gift” is poison. No wonder why a German will not be very thrilled when you say “I have got a gift for you.”

49.  Dark history: History is fantastic. Like humans who have two distinct sides. History has two distinct sides. One side is the side of the victor and the other side is the side of the looser. The victor’s side will be full of glory, celebrations, victory while the loser’s side will be full of massacres, rapes, plundering and humiliation.

50.  Recorded history: Most recorded History is state sponsored. It is written by the historians employed by the state and finds the view points of the victor only. It is important to see both the angles when you study history.

51.  City and Rural divide: Transformation in rural folks is very difficult on two accounts. Firstly many of them try to copy city folks thinking the city guys are all smart. On the contrary the majority of city folks are shockingly stupid. At the same time the maximum smart people are found in the cities too. Rural folks have wrong role models of stupid city people not smart city people. Secondly, rural environment is extremely conservative and discourages any kind of individualistic thinking that clashes with the society’s beliefs and faiths. Hence liberation of the rural folks is double difficult.

52.  Struggle for rural folks: Countries with maximum rural folks struggle to enter the space of global fusion culture. Countries with more westernized city population embrace global culture more easily.

53.  Big heart: Cultures that colonized other regions have come forward and expressed regrets for the war crimes and loss of native cultures. It’s time to look ahead and make friends.

54.  Mix bag: There are truly religious people in the global culture. There are religious people who are atheists inside, there are atheists who are not so sure and call themselves with different names. There are non conformists and there are so many sub divisions that did not exist earlier. Global fusion culture is witnessing all this.

55.  False pride: Some people glorify their cities with unrealistic attributes. It is not about a city, it is about the individual that can be special. Very special.

56.  Fewer inventions: The biggest of all inventions are not coming in contemporary times. Why? Are we stuck somewhere or all the most important stuff has been invented already? Then why there is no vaccine yet found to cure malaria? It is a dull time for inventions except the Information technology.

57.  Think: Forget about the bigger indicators. Some smaller indicators tell volumes about your smartness. Your acceptance of global culture. Do you use toilet papers and floss? If yes, you have left the uncouth behaviors behind and turned civil, very civil.

58.  Think: Societies that practice female foeticide are barbaric assholes. They are taking the evolution backwards. How do you expect to be a part of world culture if you are killing girls selectively? Your own? Pathetic. If that is not violence then what is violence?

59.  Flyovers: The most obvious features of global cities are flyovers. The condition, cleanliness and aesthetics talk volumes on the character of that city. If they are ugly the residents are poor in the minds first. Economic status comes much later.   

60.  Think: Some people love vacations some don’t. Some are always on vacation.

61.  Top to bottom: You are a citizen of the globe first and then a citizen of your country later. All the societies and formal education will always tell you this in the reverse order.

62.  Mediterranean sea: May not be all the biggest happenings in the history but definitely  some of the biggest stages of evolution in humanity happened on the coasts of this sea and percolated inwards to the main lands. The only place in the world where Europe, Africa and Asia meet.

63.  Philosophers are optimistic: Philosophers may appear pessimistic because, apart from searching for wisdom, they talk and study the dark areas of human minds so as to discover and expose many dark myths the society has protected. People are not used to confronting those issues and they don’t find them pleasant. The warnings of philosophers deal with unpleasant subjects for assholes and obviously, philosophers are perceived as pessimistic. However, philosophy is everything positive and all about optimism because it accelerates evolution. With the questions, it brings changes that influence future. What can be more optimistic than something that betters your future? Smart guys understand this.

64.  Misunderstood Philosophers: The misunderstood philosophers have been executed by the regimes or the societies throughout in the history because they are always ahead of the time they lived in, they are rebellious in nature, both virtues abhorred by the societies.

65.  Philosophers on social networking sites: It would have been so much fun following the great philosophers on those sites. They would have aired completely new ideas now because nothing is permanent including some of their old ideas. They would have discarded some of their own thoughts.

66.  Dawned on you: People from all corners of the world have realized that ‘advertising’ loves female nudity. And they do what they do because the consumers love nudity. It’s madness out there, they are selling paints, cements with semi clad nude girls on covers.

67.  Breathing easy: Breath easy, you are not the only ‘odd one’ in the world. Most have just decided to keep mum.

68.   Globally spreading: Porn, profanity, nudity, violence, gore, hatred, lust is travelling across all borders without any check and censorship. Children are at the risk of exposing themselves to this by accident or by choice and no one can do anything about it. This is screwing kid’s minds big time. Parents have no clue what is happening behind their backs.

69.  Brick bats: Throwing brickbats is history, lynching by media is in.

70.  Media: Media promotes what is politically correct and steers clear from the stuff that will land them in trouble.

71.  Wrong Charity choice: Brother, only 10% percent of donated money reaches the needy, if you donate with some organized charities. There are exceptions too. If your guilt or tax benefits are making you donate, get your facts straight, if you want to help them get employment for them. Don’t doll out the money. Teach them to fish.

72.  Food: The world provides enough food for all the people in the world. People stay hungry not only because of bad distribution, bad storage and wastage of food but mainly because of the ‘indifference’ of the people who are not hungry. The world talks about love and compassion but at ground level and at the mass level the world is ‘indifferent’ to all.

73.  Wastage of food: 40% of food in the world is wasted. And humans call themselves smart? It is not that only developed countries waste food the underdeveloped waste too. The developed countries waste it at consumption level and the underdeveloped waste it at production, storage, corruption levels. Can global fusion culture do anything about it? Well at least it has brought the point to the fore. The disease of ‘indifference’ can’t be cured.

74.  Irrelevant: “stressed’” spelled backwards is “desserts” and how does it matter? Assholes find irrelevant coincidences and keep searching meanings in it.

75.  Bad: People can write so they write shit.

76.  Global language: If English is the global language, it is your language, his language, her language, and it is our language.

77.  Weekend: A fantastic weekend is when, you refuse a rich asshole’s offer and accept a poor smart man’s offer for a drink session and continue discussing humanity, life experiences instead of gourmet food, diamonds, and brands with an asshole. Music is a must though.

78.  Greed and ideology: Difficult to distinguish which one is the favorite with radicals?

79.  Nothingness and absurdity: There is everything and yet nothing in the present moment. Isn’t it pretty absurd?

80.  Smart man’s motto: I fail, I get up, I try again.


1.      World view: Smart Guys from Global fusion culture have a world view. A larger perspective.

2.      World map: If one is discussing history and philosophy without the world map in front, literally or figuratively, they are merely discussing regional matters. And that discussion does not qualify as discussion on History and philosophy of the world.

3.      Think big: Ideas better be big, even if the means are small.

4.      Think: If it is not benefiting the humanity it is useless.

5.      Think: If it is dividing the humanity it is definitely evil.

6.      Theology: World religions have been an important part of human history and inspite of many questions, the survival of most religions is no ‘small achievement’. Humans have been around, arguably from 300000 to 2 million years on this planet, the exact number is not known. His last 2000 years are very clearly influenced by the organized religions. And dating much behind by the unorganized ancient religions.  

7.      Study and respect all: Religions are very important as a study material. After studying them one may want to stay religious or become atheist but you can’t, not study them and try to understand history, philosophy, people, life, world and to a certain extent yourself. Religions are important products of human evolution too, therefore studying all of them is very important for philosophers, artists, politicians. If one is turning atheist without studying religions, he is not a true atheist. He is a fool and a rebel without any cause. Dismissing religions because you don’t understand them is your lack of intelligence. Smart religious people are better than uneducated, stupid, arrogant, atheists. Atheists who are informed on religions are smart guys.  

8.      Importance: Presently, religions are the most important thing for the masses after food, shelter and sex. There will be total anarchy in the present world if people stopped following religions.

9.      Hollow fakes: Celebrities and fans are new age masters and slaves. Most celebrities are hollow and most fans are lower humans.

10.  Real ones: Nurses, cops, teachers deserve more respect. 
11.  Important three: Philosophers, Artists and Politicians should have a world view, if they do not have a world view then they have no business to be there in those fields. Philosophers and Artists always wish that they had more ‘power’ and ‘say’ in the society but it is the politician who holds the power and decides the fates of communities. Philosophers and Artists hate politicians for that and their frustration is always noticeable in their relationships with politicians, their views on politicians. Politicians are braver and they are aptly rewarded for their bravery.

12.  Scientific base: The world can’t thank the science enough, ever. One of the biggest contributors, with no face, to human evolution of all times is Mr. Science.

13.  Wish: It is important to fight inequality however the inequality in some form shall always stay. The higher beings shall always distinguish themselves from lower beings by some method. If one could, one would wish away inequality but in reality wishes have no meaning.

14.  Think: Environment protection is overrated.

15.  Think: Search engines are places for information not for wisdom.

16.  Traffic: If you are not affected by traffic you are not living in the new global world.  Either you are far away from the important civilization, or on a holiday, or retired. ‘Traffic time’ needs to be viewed in a completely new perspective as time to contemplate, time with music, time to meditate, time to talk [not on mobile if you are driving] and time to watch a film [ if you are not driving]. Traffic takes away a large chunk of your time and using it creatively is real smartness. Road rage, impatience, honking, reckless driving, texting and talking on cell while driving results in accidents, causes stress and leads to complicated health problems. Not worth your time at all.

17.  Traffic abuses: One is naturally ‘creative’ and ‘spontaneous’ at his best while abusing during driving. Any wrong move by another driver and the choicest expletives role out of your mouth. Use the abuses freely without targeting that driver, without looking at him else it will lead to road rage, which is futile and avoidable. You do not want to be tagged a criminal for beating up an asshole. Use the abuses anyway so that the stress trapped inside you is released. Use it as a stress buster. Look away and do it. 

18.  Traffic talk: We waste so much time in traffic and later discussing it.

19.  Music and Car: Traffic without music can be unbearable.

20.  Large perspective: Smart people have large perspectives. Assholes have narrow perspectives. Smart people are knowledgeable hence they discuss matters that have a world view. Small people indulge in gossiping.

21.  Judging people: It is a hobby for assholes and a complete ‘no’ for smart guys.

22.  Flip side: Internet is hailed for the new information revolution. It has made the information of the world available to the people of the world. But what about its dark side?  Almost 40% of all internet content is porn. There is no supply without demand. Is internet merely catering to the demand? Or is it responsible for promoting it? Is porn bad? 

23.  Internet obsession: Are the modern day internet junkies new age Sysiphuses? Have they found any meaning in it at all? Are they condemned? Are they enjoying it? 
24.  Studying the greats: Smart people study and analyze the lives of ‘Prophets’, ‘Saints’ and ‘Leaders’ very closely. The real education is learning from the great people. Not sure about the written words. Following their actions is smart thinking. History is a fantastic teacher. Today’s man has no time to peep into history. The modern day Sysiphus is too busy. The drudgery is too overpowering.   Is he enjoying it or is he numbed to even think about it? Textbook history has limited information. It has agendas. College education is for commoners. It teaches you how to survive in this world. History, prophets, philosophers teach you ‘why’ to survive in this world. You can figure out ‘how’.

25.  Architecture: Architecture is given the status of mother of all arts and that is for a reason. It is one of the oldest arts that man has known. It has followed us since the cave time. Architecture is a superb combination of art and science. The most famous principles are durability, usage and aesthetics. They all demand planning with logic, strength with engineering, and aesthetics with imagination. Study of architecture exposes you to the world. Study of architecture starts with studying ancient Egyptian, Roman, Greek and Asian architecture. These are your first lessons. And your first lessons open you up to the world. From a narrow lane you are thrown on to the world platform. Learning architecture is liberating. Architects are gentlemen and broadminded people because they are true world citizens. 

26.  Censorship: Smart guys don’t need censorship while assholes need it.

27.  Password: One’s life hangs on passwords. The more passwords you know the higher place you occupy in the economic hierarchy. One smart way to remember your password is to use profanity, in your native language as your password, chances are that no one will crack it. Oops the secret is out now.

28.  Definition of philosophy: Greeks have the shortest and the best definition of philosophy, which is the Greek word for philosophy- ‘Philosophia’, meaning “Love of wisdom.”

29.  Think: Greek word for Passion is ‘Pashko’, meaning ‘to suffer’. It is not easy to be passionate about anything. It comes with a price. The word passion is being used very loosely without really understanding the meaning. If one does not have the guts ‘to suffer’ he should steer clear from ‘passion’.

30.  Middle East: Middle East is one of the most interesting areas in the history and Jerusalem is the centre of so many happenings. Jerusalem continues to remain in the centre for many happenings today too.

31.  Walk the talk: Let’s go walk the streets that Greek philosophers once walked.

32.  Missing the direct touch: Why the hell we don’t understand German and French languages? Such a loss. English is the most effective global language that spreads knowledge and unites people fine, but more so because all the information in French, German and other languages comes to the world after getting translated in English.

33.  Cinema: Cinema is primarily an art for higher people. And business for lower humans. For the smartest it is a combination of both art and business.

34.  All in one: Leonardo da Vinci was a higher man. He was painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, botanist and writer. A man is known by his work not his background. One is known only by his work and not by the attributes. How many people know that he was born out of wedlock? It does not matter what your surname is, your religion is, and your color is, if your work is fantastic you are a higher human being.

35.  Elephants from the east: China and India have ‘something’ inherent in their cultures, which makes them the longest surviving and some of the most stable cultures. Westerners must study this aspect very closely. Is it about Karma? Both the countries are fairly untroubled by world wars and economic upheavals. The biggest populace which was once considered their handicap in progress is turning out to be an advantage. The new name for the populace is ‘Consumers’.  They have a burgeoning number of ‘Consumers’ attracting big businesses of the world. China is the number one country in trading today. Almost all countries of the world are trading big with China.  

36.  World powers: USA, Canada, Australia, Russia are the countries of the future. The reasons are simple. They have a huge landmass, they are blessed with natural resources and their history is modern, and progressive. They do not have ancient history, except Russia, ancient history can be a hurdle and a heavy baggage on the road to progress. History is important but sometimes too much ancient history can pull you back, with it’s web of archaic, outdated views and would not let you go full throttle on the paths of progress.  All these countries are western, which is a good starting point in global culture. Western cultures are more open to logic, reason and science than eastern cultures. These countries have made huge progress in science and technology. USA and Russia are already world powers, it is a matter of time Australia and Canada join the ranks.

37.  Your value: No one has the right to evaluate you except you, yourself. Ask the judgmental asshole to get lost. No one else but you know, your worth because it is connected to ‘your’ existence on the planet earth, which only you understand.  In your context, if becoming smart and free is important for you, follow it, achieve power, if the herd is the most important thing for you, then great, follow it. But let only you decide it using your existence, life experiences and wisdom.

38.  Cheap life: The general value of human life is decreasing because you are viewed more as consumers and less as human beings.

39.  Poverty: Segregation in the name of economic status is a conspiracy unleashed by rulers on assholes. Poverty and knowledge or wisdom have no connection. One can be a wise poor or a wise rich, a smart poor or a smart rich. The powerful will make a poor man feel that the power in smaller humans is smaller because he is poor, which is completely false. A smart poor should refute any such attempt and stand confident at par or above as the case may be. Any attempt to show you powerless is a conspiracy. 
40.  Absurd costing: 'Marketing' costing getting bigger than the 'production' is strange. It is ultimately loaded on you. Choose wisely. Many things you don’t need in life, say ‘No’ to it. Do you need that soda?

41.  Self-sufficient giants: China and India are like gentle giants, their inherent strength, which comes from, not being much dependent on external forces, countries, make them self sufficient and economically stable. They have faced many invasions but never had to invade any country.

42.  All important international trade: Trade is the decisive reason why some countries are ‘friendly’ towards some and ‘aggressively hostile’ towards others. Relationships between countries are based on trade.

43.  Sea: The next frontier is not the ‘space’ but the ‘seas’. Nearly 70% earth is ocean full of food, resources and waiting to be colonized by men.

44.  Think: Knowing Germany through Hollywood films is a mistake.

45.  Think: Knowing America through Hollywood films is a bigger mistake.

46.  Think: Non biodegradable plastic is rising, as one of the biggest enemies of the earth. It remains buried, yet stays alive by spoiling the earth. A new age zombie.

47.  New slave: Have you read modern day contracts drawn out for the higher level managers by the corporate companies? It is modern day slavery.

48.  Think: Life Insurance is a brilliant idea for the insurance company. The fear of death combined with your guilt, what a wonderful product?

49.  Touch me not: Many smart people are judged by assholes. What do you do when dogs bark? Ignore. Some assholes, most likely, who seem closer to you or your relatives may take advantage of their ‘imaginary closeness’ with you and under the disguise of ‘guarding your interests’ may get personal in their barking. Ignore. Also, you can make them vanish from your existence.

50.  Think: Of course don’t kill them. The herd will not like it. Kill their existence from your existence.

51.  Think: People hate you when you are alive and they love you when you are dead. Is it because they are happy you are dead and they are not? Or they like you dead now because they won’t have to be jealous of you ever again?

52.   Hatred: Lower people hate you not because they do not like what you do but because you do what they can never do. They lack courage. Higher men do not hate others due to jealousy. They encourage positive atmosphere where the positive energies of generous, throbbing life and being alive ‘purposefully’ are nourished. It all leads to evolution.

53.  Think: Too much of philosophy stops one from living life.

54.  Small view: The world is big, small minds make it look small. People who live in narrow lanes will be at ‘sea’ in the bigger world, so they never venture out, they preach that the world is what they see, which is their own narrow lane.

55.  Elephant and six blind men story: We tend to look things only from our perspective. To understand the truth, it is important to see the other man’s perspective too.

56.  Man loves to copy: In an extreme case, if he is placed with monkeys he will behave like monkeys. Glass façade buildings are so popular in cooler climates, they conserve heat but copying it in hot climates is completely illogical. You allow the hot sun to enter first and then you try to keep the building cool with expensive air conditioning. What a waste! We are more concerned about ‘me too’ and ‘copying’ than respecting the climate and planning in the context of the climate.

57.  Think: Politician- ‘State issues and wet tissues’. Nothing can be more hilarious ‘description’ for politicians than this.

58.  Corruption: Corruption is condemn-able but not removable. If one takes a look at the history, some of the biggest occupations by one culture over another culture has been possible mainly because of the sword and aided by corruption. The invading armies have always bribed the nobles and the administration of existing regimes by offering them immunity, protection to their current positions in the society and in return they supported the new invader.

59.   Think: Utopia is a concept devised to spoil your ‘present moment’ and make you dream of the ‘future’ that is somebody’s imagination.

60.  Power knows no rules: Countries bribe other countries, even those who have some of the best, stringent, transparent anti corruption laws will not hesitate to bribe other regimes and political parties in those countries. They bribe to bring changes to suit the agenda of  bribing countries. Nothing is illegitimate in attaining power. There can be rules even in wars but power knows no rules, it breaks any rule that comes in its way.

61.  Educated fool: Being too educated can work against you. Highly educated people tend to lose their sense of judgment. They tend to overlook their own interests and the interests of their own people to protect the written words. Written words can be rules, morality, ethics, and faiths. Others take advantage that situation.

62.  Patents: Patents are protectionist yet important. Patents expiring after 20 years is a fair deal. So many inventions have gone unrewarded for the inventors. The scientists, artists deserve to be a part the initial monetization process of their ideas and later the ideas should belong to the world.

63.  Biggest loser: Western world quite obviously has lost so much on patents already when the laws were not stringent. Eastern world’s loss in comparatively less. Just look at any world city, it looks like a western city. Zoom down and you will find that right from ‘pin’ to ‘parliament’ there are western influences. Zoom down in any western world city and the eastern influences are sporadic. That does not mean that the influences are not meaningful it just says that the number of influences are small. 

64.  Evolution kills: Evolution takes the humanity further step by step with the changes it brings. Anything that does not survive along with humanity’s evolution is meant to die and perish. It is a tough world and it is a natural process.

65.  Speed: Modern world is on the speed of a roller coaster ride. Moving ahead faster than humanity ever moved. Every person looks outdated if he does not reinvent in every ten years. That was not the case earlier. Many thoughts prevalent during a century influenced many more centuries ahead. Now, the faster evolution aided by information, communication and wisdom is making many old thoughts redundant, that too fast. Old beliefs are crumbling and the new are springing up. People are asking questions and they expect answers which are supported by reason, science and logic.

66.  Thanks: We can’t thank enough, the inventors of airplanes, internet, communication devices, from the present time, on one side and philosophers, leaders, politicians, businessmen, artists, scholars, scientists, of all times and all cultures, on the second side. Both the groups are important in present times. If modern inventions are invaluable, knowledge and wisdom are forever too.

67.  Middle class is a consolation prize: There is no middle class. There are rich [read with power] people and there are poor [read powerless] people. Educated, slightly better off  poor people hate the association with poverty, which clubs them with lower hierarchical status, so they have coined the new status ‘Middle class’. Middle class people are as powerless as poor people, so where is the difference? Formal education gets you jobs not necessarily wisdom. There are poor people with lesser education yet better understanding of life, they are better off than the middle class persons who are prisoners of rat race, monthly loan installments and their jealousy for the rich. The Poor simply don’t care what they are called. Middle class people think they are just a step away from getting into the rich class. No one ‘applies’ to enter that rich class, and nobody is just a ‘step away’. When one acquires power, which will get many riches too, then people start treating you ‘powerful’ [material richness may give you power too].  A rich man is decided by others and a poor man is decided by others too, it is evident in their treatments, that’s how societies function. So no matter how much the middle class may try he is at the mercy of the society for the hierarchical position given to him in the society. No matter how much he tries, unless society ‘certifies’ him rich, he stays ‘Not Rich’ and his consolation is ‘Middle class’ and not ‘being called a poor’. 
68.   Mistakes: Life is full of mistakes, some surface, some die without making any noise. Some journeys, actions, phases are with fewer mistakes. Sometimes mistakes bring you fortunes and sometimes mistakes ruin the fortunes. Repetition of the same mistake would be foolish and intentional mistakes are not counted as mistakes. Life without mistakes would be so boring.

69.  Take risks: When a person leads a life with the intention of not making a mistake ever, obviously he is not willing to take risks and he is closed to accepting changes. He is not aiming to acquire power and obviously not smart. On the path to acquire power there will be mistakes, wrong judgments, errors, failures, fights, lies and ultimately achievement of power.

70.  Think: Word cities should be rated on ‘less smelly’ to ‘extremely bad smelling’ meter.

71.  Littering: Many animal species have come and gone on this planet. Humans will go too. And they will be remembered by the newer species as the ‘species that littered the planet the most’.

72.  Orator: Many people address from the dais as if they are in some sort of an oratory competition. Some kids never grow, especially the obedient ones.

73.  Think: What is your favorite waste of time? Because we all do have our own.

74.  Personal life and Creations: Personal life of great Teachers, Leaders and Artists form a great source of gossip and entertainment for all, however it surprisingly bears no weight on the greater works created by them. It goes on to prove that the creation is bigger than the creator. The Mona Lisa picture is undoubtedly more famous and popular than Leonardo the Vinci and many juicy stories that surround him.

75.  Disappointments and Loneliness: The pleasure of going through ‘disappointments’ and ‘loneliness’ in achieving success is bigger than the pleasure of achieving success without them. There is no depth in it, if it is without them.

76.  Inadequate Individual: No individual is capable of redefining the future course of humanity. Only evolution can do it.

77.  Weakness: Humans are full of weaknesses.

78.  Smartest: Smartest of all humans are the successful political leaders in the modern world and the worst assholes are the assholes who don’t even vote. Is democracy the right model for lower cultures?  

79.  Not at mercy: Acceptance is not powerful than knowledge. Acceptance may come now or later but knowledge is liberating. The knowledge can be a prisoner of acceptance for a while till it breaks free.

80.  Easy way out: When someone asks where is God? Easiest answer is pointing the figure skywards. You need not even use a single word. Is it lethargy or wriggling out of the situation or the truth?

81.  Paramount life: Sometimes giving up is inevitable so as to survive. Your survival is above your morality, faith and ethics. You survive and then you live-again.

82.  Prisoner: A Prisoner should be treated like a free man inside the prison. The isolation in the prison is enough as punishment.

83.  Lovable soldiers: Ask soldiers about ‘existence of violence’ and ‘profanity in spoken language’ and they will have a hearty laugh. Powerful guys abuse because they can, assholes don’t because they can’t.

84.  Jokers: Top politicians look at activists as jokers. While the joker aspires to snatch the chair of the top politician one day.

85.  Watch your back pal: Your friends are nice. Lately too nice.
86.  Just Do it: Doing it right comes much later. It may meet us somewhere in the process. ‘Not doing it’ is not an option. Making it perfect does not exist.

87.  Barking: Cowards bark at others because cowards have lots to say, gossip, and bitch about ‘others’, sadly they have not a single word of substance about ‘themselves’. Such hollow assholes!

88.  Law: It is important to study, who has made it? before following it. Were you considered while making the law? Or was the law made for the benefit of the person who made it?

89.  Big laugh: Letting out a huge laughter after hearing your praise is lack of maturity. Your best is yet to come. The laughter indicates, you are loving the pampering and sycophancy that surrounds you. You will stop any further evolution and better work. You will rot in lethargy and ego.  

90.  Big Pride: Big pride blinds you. One stops questioning and seeing reasons.

91.  Champs on your turf: The best bikers can’t be the best car drivers because the rules are different and the skills required are different.

92.  Wrong training: When your football coach starts giving you examples from the game of chess, it is time to change him.

93.  Penalty kick: When one Bro misses the penalty kick it is because it was not meant to be ‘in that moment’, the same guy can shoot it right blindly in some ‘other moment’. Luck has no role in it. It is just that it was not meant to be that way, ‘in that moment’.

94.  Diseases and Superstition: Hippocrates is credited with being the first person to believe that diseases were caused naturally, not because of superstition and Gods. Does he know how many lives has he liberated since then? Take a bow.

95.  Outing: Best outing trips outside home for people have become shopping trips. Brands have won the first round.  Give it to them. The second round will belong to ‘reason’.

96.  If one is complaining about his opponent’s power then, in other words he is acknowledging, the rising power of his opponent and accepting the depletion of his power.

97.  Loser: The smart way for environmentalists is to start manufacturing ‘bricks’ made of recycled plastic and save the valuable soil. That is action at ground level. The seminars and lecture series are not taking the issue anywhere.

98.  Education: If one is promoting education with ill gotten money, what will the morality say? Don’t take that money and stop education? Or take the money and promote education?

99.  Six Packs: We don’t need ‘six packs’, we need ‘strong guts’ that accept reality as it is and not some fancy version of reality. Keep it real.

100.                      All time money: Of course money is welcome anytime, anywhere but not from ‘any source’.

101.                       Power: You listen and obey to the power that is higher, stronger than your power. Unless, you feel your power has grown bigger than his power.

102.                      Alien Hell: Earth being the ‘Alien hell’ is a thought provoking concept. Do their ‘sinners’ become ‘humans’ after death and are sent to suffer on the earth?

103.                       Humor: What will be the ‘World view’ without some humor? Humor keeps us ‘sane’ in this ‘insane’ world. The more we increase ‘humor’ in our dealings with other humans the experience is pleasurable. Otherwise it is very boring, impersonal and mechanical. Assholes are first turning into ‘Mindless Consumers’ and later ‘Zombies devoid of any humor’. They are people with flesh and blood and no ‘soul’ no ‘character’. Look into their eyes, there is nothing-empty. 



Men and women think differently.
Well, men believe that ‘It’s a man’s world’, give them that benefit of doubt and start with men first.

1.    Power and men: Real Men are driven by Power. Lower men follow powerful men.

2.    Master man: There are masters and there are slaves. Ofcourse slavery is not officially there anymore, it is the ‘slave mentality’ and the ‘master mentality’ that still exists, and will continue to exist. It is in minds.

3.    Territorial: No two real powerful men can share the same territory.

4.    Leaders: Real men drive the humanity with their sacrifices, passion, knowledge, and a lot of pain and their big victories. They are the flag bearers in the evolution process.

5.    Muscle and youth: Real men posses muscles and brains both in abundance. Most real men achieve power early. ‘Alexander the great’ spread his empire while he was very young. He died at the age of 32 after spreading his empire to the east. Most guys in their 30s today have ‘no clear’ view where their lives are heading. They move about like zombies lost in malls. Young men live lives as if they have ‘forever time’ with them. As if they are immortals on this planet. Medicine has lengthened our lives but the intensity has gone down.

6.    Think: Real men ‘exercise’ to increase the sperm count not ‘take tablets’ prescribed by a doctor. Be careful about who are your advisers.  

7.    Men struggle to understand women: Lower Men will not understand smart women completely. Higher men will understand them with a lot of creativity and unorthodox approach. It is never a direct approach but a lateral approach. Lower men will either complain about or succumb to smart women. If she finds out that you are set out to know her, you get nothing from her. If you observe and understand things, which are implied and embedded in her behavior, language and eyes you have a chance of getting to know her.

8.    Think: “Men are from mars and women are from Venus’ is a very good example of lower form of poetry yet it ironically makes huge sense. Well, we all know that we are from the same planet-the planet earth. The global fusion world has thrown open the topic of ‘man versus woman’ much wide open than ever before. Is it because men have just discovered that women ‘all over the world’ are the same and women have discovered the same for men? Or is it that the topic is now discussed with more openness and with very little soreness? All the extreme stuff has been said in the history already, is it the time we had some fun while we discussed the differences in the new time context?

9.    ‘Forget and Forgive’: What the hell is that? Another example of lower form of poetry and this time it makes no sense at all. Do men actually forgive ever? The phrase is a nice exit door for those men, who have no power left and have no control over the situation.  Real men punish when they can. Forgiving is for the weak.

10. Speed: The man is a sucker for speed. He is an adrenaline junkie and speed makes his adrenaline shoot high. Earlier man loved horses and horse carts. He rode fast on the horses and that gave him a real high. Now, the man’s need for speed is satisfied by race cars and race bikes. Guys who rode these machines with great speed, under controlled safe environment will always be admired by other men. Racing is a big global business because man’s hunger for more ‘speed’ and his hunger to ‘watch competition between speeding racers’ both are insatiable.

11. Pets: Smart men will keep pets. Dogs are favorites with men and cats with women. There is a very famous quote and it talks very highly about Dogs “The more people I meet, the more I like my dog”. It says it all. Pets are your direct connect with the nature, an important link to keep you grounded.

12. Men and violence: Men are naturally attracted to violence. Pretentious cowards may fool you with their wordy, unrealistic, irrational blah blah, which is basically a ‘wishing violence away’ trick. Violence in physical or mental form is an inseparable part of human life. Violence is definitely unpleasant, and so is death, but turning a blind eye towards violence is not the answer, understanding how to deal with it, is the answer.

13. Men, War and football: You can’t compare wars with any sport though you can draw some parallels. Wars are extremely violent, leading to many deaths. Men fight, also they like to watch people fight. Football is a bit similar to two warring teams fighting to achieve the win over another team and spectators enjoying the fight.  It is a symbolic war played with sportsmanship spirit. There are skills, talents, strategies, stamina, power all accepted but if there is no fight, no winning, and no defeat in a football game, imagine how bland it will be? Rivalries, fights, winning and defeating they all touch our primal instincts connected to ‘who dominates’ in the hierarchy. Men love football. Men celebrate winning and they mourn defeats.

14. Men Colors: Choices of colors clearly indicate that men think differently and women think differently.

15. Men love Sports: Real men are extremely attracted to at least one sport as if it is the next most important thing in the world, after their lives. Women can’t fathom the fact that how the hell a sport can be the most important thing in the world? And on top of that how the hell a man can give importance to a stupid sport above me? Men giving priority to their favorite sport and girlfriends not liking it is the base material for thousands of ‘Bro’ jokes that circulate among men.

16. Woman’s influence: Men those who grow up with women become ‘better husbands’. Men those who grow up with women become ‘lower leaders’.

17. Rivals for men: A man’s biggest rival is likely to be another man. His biggest savior is likely to be a man again but his huge emotional support can come from a woman.

18. Dangerous man: The man is the most dangerous animal in the world. This animal wields enormous destructive power. He can be extremely cruel. No other animal matches his creativity and imagination in finding newer ways in giving pain to his victims.

19. Real Men hate being judged: Real men don’t judge others and don’t let others judge them. Allowing someone to judge you is giving your power to the intruder. If someone is trying to judge you then he is nothing short of an asshole. Everybody in the world is different, you are unique and there is no one, absolutely no one like you on this world. Don’t know about another planet. And only you know what you could do best with you. Only, you know how best you can better yourself.

20. Man’s Ego: Men tend to wear egos on sleeves. They flaunt them to exhibit power. Women hide egos better than men. Women unleash their revenge like a slow poison.

21. Light hearted Bias: Real men understand the difference between a ‘sadistically, evilly biased person’ and a ‘sarcastic witty straight talker’. Real men know the fun involved in touching the serious problems with a tinge of humor. Real men know that making fun of the opposite sex in a light hearted conversation is neither being misogynistic nor it is being misandry at all. Cuss words and abuses in friendly conversations do not amount to being a racist, being a sexist and being a bigot.

22. Trust: Real men trust judiciously. Obviously he trusts himself the most. If asked, which are other names he trusts? The names of those who breached his trust would flood his mind. Real men know that the trust will be broken one day but you will have to trust people to move on and progress.

23. Regret: There can be mistakes. For responsible, Regrets? What’s that?

24. Hedonism: Men by nature, circumstances and opportunities would tend to follow hedonism more than women.

25. Man and this moment: A man is just a drop in the ocean, if you consider the world population and the history of mankind. Many greater men came and they have gone. Many greater men are around. Many more will come. Keep your ego aside. Keep your seriousness aside and live the life first because you are going one day too. You are not a permanent citizen of this planet, your clan, your language and your country. Smile and express while you are around, that’s the least you can do in good spirit. If you have higher pursuits, work on them but do not forget to live your life while you are around.

26. Melancholy: Real aging mature men become melancholy. Is it the absurdity or the pain of life that makes them melancholy?

27. Men and photography: Photography is a modern art. Every great photograph tells a story. Wonder how Michelangelo would have reacted to photography? Why don’t we see some more ladies in this art behind the camera than in front of the camera? It would be an interesting new take on the stuff we see.

28. Guns and firearms attract men: Real men keep guns. Power is tough to ‘achieve’ and tougher to ‘keep it’ with you.  There is always someone who is planning to ‘snatch it’ away from you. You better be prepared to guard your power with all that it takes, by exercising power and thwarting any attempt with more power. If it means keeping the gun to fight back then be it. Guns are like a symbol of power because they unleash violence and they always hang around power. Wherever there is power, guns follow. Similarly, wherever there are guns, power follows. Obviously guns have carved out a position of status in the minds of smart people. And smart men will always be attracted towards guns.

29. Men and Legs: Men tend to do less leg exercises than the upper body exercises. Like many myths, ‘doing legs less-myth’ should be busted. Legs have some of the biggest muscles in your body. Strong legs make you look really solid and proportionate. Men walk gracefully only when they have strong legs. Weak legs will make you look weak.

30. Pillion riders are assholes: Because when they die, it is not because the front rider was an asshole but because the pillion rider was a bigger asshole and decided to sit behind an asshole.

31. Man’s dark side: Every man, yes every single one of them, has two sides. The side he shows to all and the dark side which he hides and only he knows about it. The dark side is true him. He has all the right to hide his dark side like he has the sole right to transform himself from an asshole to a smart man. The dark side is mostly the unacceptable part for the society. He has the liberty to share whatever he wants to share with people and not share whatever he wants to hide from people. Dark sides best be kept hidden. Society prefers it that way too.

32. Heroes: Real heroes are the warriors who die in wars. Not because dying in wars is heroic and patriotic, may be it is, infact for majority of people it is. But beyond that, he conquered the biggest fear of all, the fear of death. A hero is never afraid of death. If he died thinking that he should die fighting for his own people, then it was a choice he had made. If he had thought, he should dedicate his life for his people, he exercised a choice and that made him a smart man. He wielded power. He exercised power. It could have been the ‘rival soldier’ instead of ‘him’ dead, that day. Soldiers are strong men, physically and mentally. A real Soldier takes a conscious decision if he wants to be one. However if the decision is forced upon him to fight for his nation then he is not a soldier in the truest sense and such armies see no future and no victories.

33. Heroes and cowards: Real heroes die in wars while many cowards survive to tell twisted stories. In reality, in the battlefields many cowards hide and later come out with imaginary stories of their bravery. Real heroes die and their stories too die with them.

34. Others: Calling film actors and sports personalities ‘heroes’ is an insult to the real dying war heroes. The hero word is only for those soldiers who die fighting on in the battlefield. The rest all have appropriate descriptions for them in English language.

35. Old man without power: Facial hair is important, especially when you grow old. Old men can develop a distinct disdain for anything youthful and modern. And the reasons could be many, starting from jealousy to lack of understanding. It is their tendency of not accepting the fact that the juniors are smarter and in a better controlling situation than them. Now it is for their benefit, that they better hide this unpleasant fact and never let it surface in their facial expressions, leave alone words. The youth is less tolerant of people who have lost power. Some old people learn the technique of hiding the feelings behind a meaningless smile, which looks innocent. Some old people who have lost power and refuse to accept it, and also do not learn that smile, stand vulnerable because the facial expressions give away the real thoughts on their minds. A beard can come to your help in hiding, camouflaging a bigger part of those feelings, expressions or at least making those feelings less ‘evil looking’. Old people with angry, hateful scorn look, and wicked look are not tolerated by the powerful intolerant young men and the old attract immediate rebuttal.

36. Men games: Arabian horses represented anything related to ‘speed’ and ‘racing’ in history but lately they are replaced by the Japanese bikes.

37. Bro Story: Bro story will always have a Bra version. Weepy and loaded with emotions.

38. Think: A car takes you from point ‘A’ to point ‘B’. Excessive hurry takes one from planet ‘earth’ to planet ‘death’.

39. Men love sexting: These are wins in smaller battles with smaller rewards for cowards.

40. Men and beard: A beard is a symbol of wisdom and higher intelligence. Blame the history for it not the fashion.

41. Lazy men: Urban males are looking less macho than rural folks. The average sperm count in the urban males is dropping. Is it the lazy life style or bad diet or lack of bigger challenges? Many men look like ‘over grown teenagers’ who will never turn into real muscular men. They have no muscles, no real voice, no grace, clothes hang badly on them, and postures are bad. Easy information on internet without any struggle, gadgets that reduce physical activities, watching TV, and excessive use of vehicles has made them lazy. Why the hell they do not feel like they should look like real men? Is not it a serious problem? It is unfortunate that these very men are taking the evolution backwards when they should have taken it forward. ‘Bad specimen’ perish in evolution. Evolution takes place both in mind and body. Smart men ofcourse are physically very active and push the limits of physical and mental training all the time. Lower men behave like pussies and cowards?

42. Sexy man: A man looks sexy and attractive not only because he is muscular but in addition to that due to his accomplishments, his entertaining personality and his world knowledge. It is in that order, liars will not accept the order and agree, however the ladies would agree.

43. Throwing thoughts: If men could vomit out all the negative thoughts and hatred they would.

44. Man’s higher taste: Being mainstream is being a commoner. Smart men see things beyond mainstream, they find mainstream very mediocre, boring, obvious and much inferior for their intelligence.

45. Men fight: Real Men will never shy away from a real fight. A fight is not necessarily a physical fight. It can be a fight for justice, a fight to uphold your point in a discussion, a fight for survival, a fight to earn a living. There are smart ways and techniques to enter fights and win fights. Real men get quite addictive to fights. Politicians are disliked by many but politicians are incessant and clever fighters. They supposedly fight for the rights of the people but under that disguise they are fighting for their rise in the hierarchy. Cowards run for a cover when the fight starts.

46. Men jokes: Men share laughs at the jokes, mostly connected with sex, which most of them love and which most girls do not find funny. And worse, men may not like those girls who like those jokes. Strange.

47.  Quick attention: There is nothing that could compete with the word ‘Sex’ when it comes to ‘what catches a man’s attention’?

48. Naïve man: Never praise one woman in front of another. Period.

49. Bright mind: Men who wonder why beautiful girls select and settle with assholes as life partners, should question themselves if this word ‘Security’ ever crossed their bright minds?

50. Tall, dark and handsome: When this tall, dark and handsome dude is talking to this wide eyed nymphet, the guy in khakis with a rose in his hand is watching them from a distant dark corner and murmuring ‘another one bites the dust’. A new rival is born in that shady corner.

51. Dancing men: Men do look terribly awkward, dancing. Ofcourse there are exceptions but this truly is an area dominated by women who are superlative dancers. The moment they enter the arena, all eyes are on them, can’t you see?

52. Unintentional boy’s cruelty: Small boys can be violently cruel towards other kids and small animals without understanding much of cruelty and repercussions that could follow. Girls are more considerate. Such is life.

53. Curiosity and inquisitiveness in men: If you think women are the only ones who are nosy then think again, some men are more women, in ‘the nosy area business’ and their number is increasing.

54. Friendship: We all know, Friendship between a man and a woman is the strongest and the very best because opposites attract and this friendship serves purposes in many ways than one. Second best friendship is between two men, two heterosexual ofcourse, the ‘buddy variety’ is full of camaraderie, partnerships, and shared Bro fun time, mostly over sports, drinks and entertainment. The third best is between two lesbian women and fourth best is between two heterosexual women. There are more combinations that follow after these important four. Many men rate number two friendship as number one friendship.

55. Men and mirror: Women love the mirror is an old cliché, the number of mirror loving men is increasing alarmingly. It is a tell tale on the degradation of the ‘macho man’. Those guys should be gyming than worrying about the faces.

56. End of Friendship: Friendship between two men is definitely over when one finds out that his ex girlfriend is seeing his trusted friend, the other guy.

57. Not an option: ‘Playing dumb’ is not an option for smart men. Instead, rebelling is the choice you exercise. Yes for women too, playing dumb is out but some women play dumb to extract benefits from assholes.

58. Nagging: Many men sometimes agree to women so that they just shut up.

59. Football match: One’s ‘Men’s Club’ membership is automatically gets cancelled if he misses the biggest football match, even on TV and goes for shopping with his girlfriend and his bros find that out.


60. Woman’s triumph: Men’s one of the biggest fears is, one day finding out, that the world revolves around women. Finding out, that women are the ‘centre of all powers on earth’. If that ever turns out to be true, it will shatter men.

61. Mystery about women: A man can only attempt to know a woman as much as he can because he will never understand her fully. A woman can understand another woman better. It is women’s smartness and failure of men.

62. Super woman: ‘What women want?’ and the men has no answer to it. There are smart men who know the answer but those few will keep it a secret. Any answers discussed at a public forum will be rejected by women, hence there are no answers. 

63. Protectionist women issues: Unfortunately, any comment on women, especially by men is seen through the lenses of equality, which is a skewed concept itself. This approach is full of bigotry and prejudice by men and women both.

64. Venerable upliftment: There is no ‘equality’ there is ‘upliftment’ and ‘freedom’. No two men are equal how can men and women be equal? Yes, Upliftment should be encouraged and supported wherever women suffer from injustice and suppression.

65. Women in abuses: Surprisingly, choicest cuss words, abuses in all languages and cultures involve ‘mothers’ and ‘sisters’ of recipients. Why? Targeting, abusing women verbally, closest to men, you want to hurt mentally gives the maximum effect.

66. Smart women don’t forgive: ‘Forget and Forgive.’ It is surprisingly possible for lower women. The higher women will not forgive. Higher women will be more bitter and punishing in their psychological revenge than men. Women’s revenge is more psychological and hence mentally lethal while men’s revenge is more physical hence cruel and violent.

67. Women and secrets: ‘A woman’s mind is an ocean of secrets.’ Lower women are not great at keeping the secrets but almost all women happen to be ‘privy to’ or ‘involved in’, a lot of secrets. They seem to suffer more than men by the revelations of those secrets. Smart women seem to understand the repercussions better than the lower women. Women suffer more often than men as the result of the revelation of those secrets.

68. Secrets die: Some of the biggest secrets die along with women who hold them within, never ever revealing to others. Those secrets are mostly on personal matters.

69. Women and sufferings: It is important that the following discussion after secrets and suffering due to secrets has to be on how women deal with it? Women deal with the suffering and loss much better than men. Nature has made them like that. Similarly, since ‘Change is the only constant in life.’ Women deal with the change much better than men- Small or huge.

70. Women performer: Women are superlative singers and dancers than men. Again the nature has been partial to them, with the anatomy, beauty and grace. Men are attractive singers and dancers for women and vise versa to a certain extent too.

71. Women and violence: Women get repulsed by violence outwardly, yet deep down they are concerned with it. Violence ends up leaving a winner and a loser. Women worship winners more than men do.  

72. Women and her rivals: A woman’s biggest rival is likely to be another woman. Her biggest savior is likely to be a man.

73. Women’s support: A woman is very good at giving emotional support to a man but she is very suspicious of the emotional support offered to her by another woman. Women are emotionally stronger than men.

74. Women and her biased ego:  A woman’s ego towards another woman is very strong while it is not so strong towards a man.

75. Power of instigation and alcohol:  By instigation of a woman, the biggest city of Persia, Persepolis was burnt down by drunken soldiers.

76. Women and importance of sex: Is ‘money’ the female Viagra? This makes you laugh and lower women may think that way. For smart women, sex is hugely important and they will settle for nothing but real men. Money has no role in it. A woman may find a great ‘romantic partner’ but that romantic partner not turning into a ‘robust lover’ in the night will reduce her happiness quotient big time. This is not a consideration for lower women. Detailing is not their area. It is the area of higher women.

77. Methodical women: Women are methodical in approach. They are sharper in comprehending life problems.

78. Pleasantry: Women are naturally connected to pleasantries and hospitality. That is why hospitality business prefers women. Presentation is very important for women. Any shabby, hurried, cheap presentation will not generally come from women.

79. Global fusion culture women: Women are becoming less sexy, not fuller enough for men. The natural beauty is being replaced by artificial measures. The slender and the rounded have always been in. The thin is never sexy. However most women are influenced by the slimming race started by various beauty products. Brands want women to spend on their products. Women are mere ‘consumers’ for brands. A Woman will spend on products if she remains perpetually ‘dissatisfied’ with her present look. That’s why the brands show ultra thin models, making women feel that the products look best on ultra thin models, strengthening their low self esteem and their belief that women will look better if they get thinner and use those products of course. As a result, women become less healthy, almost anemic, weak and less appealing to men.

80. Sensitive women: Women are definitely touchy and sensitive about mind issues but what men do not understand is that women are extremely sensitive to physical touch issue too. Women understand the ‘right touch’ and the ‘wrong touch’ better than men. Men are bad handlers and follow the ‘firm touch’ and lose out on the ‘soft touch’ fun, making the collaboration just 20 % effective which had the potential to reach 100%.

81. Women handwriting: Wish all Doctor’s prescriptions were written by women. They never write badly. A pharmacist can read and save lives. Male doctors write so badly resulting in wrong medication and deaths. Why the hell do they handwrite prescriptions? Why can’t they use a comp and a printout? They should change the ancient practice now.

82. Counseling women: Women are fantastic in counseling.

83. Sugar coating: Women would prefer a bit of ‘sugar coating’ while real men like it ‘raw’.

84. Basic style and women: Biggest style statement by a woman starts with ‘cleanliness’ and ‘simplicity’. Smart women do understand that smart men go for 'simplicity'.

85. Appreciating a woman’s beauty: Women have the constant urge that men should look at them and appreciate their beauty. Some men do not understand the difference between “appreciating the beauty” and “staring at the beauty” bit and invite wrath from women.

86. Women and flirting: What women perceive as ‘innocent flirting’ is generally a ‘big go ahead’ for men. And that is how the misunderstanding starts, especially for men.

87. Multitasking and women: Multitasking is another name for women. No one does it better than them.

88. Women and memory: Women have better memory. A woman generally remembers what a man forgets.

89. Making a point in a meeting: A Woman can be vicious, destructive and dangerous while she sounds ‘very innocent’ and ‘sincere’ and makes a point in a meeting. Most assholes [men] will not ‘get it’ but another woman sitting in a distant corner knows exactly what the ‘sincere’ woman is constructing beyond words. The ‘sincere’ is exactly touching those areas of a man’s brain which begs to hear the soothing, pleading words of a young woman. And those men want to respond, by granting her favors to feel sexually superior. The ‘sincere’ woman goes home, cuddles her teddy bear, goes to sleep and the men [assholes] here take some major wrong decisions, without applying any logic and reason.

90. Women and footwear: Women love nice footwear and hate men who use dirty, old, and torn footwear. The foot fetish is not a sole male domain. The question men face “what women want?” stays mostly unanswered because men are at sea when it comes to understanding the weird [for men] fetishes women have.

91. Liberation and the atmosphere for women: Women’s status in the society and their liberation is directly related to “how conservative is the society she lives in?” She will be better off in liberal societies. Similarly, she seems better off in urban settings than in rural settings.

92. Her questions: A smart woman may ask you a question and the chances are that she already knows the answer. She just wants to check out how stupid you can go, in answering that question. If your answer is smarter than her answer, you score big.

93. Women need to talk: It has been scientifically proved that women talk more than men.

94. Small lies and women: Have you met a woman, who on day one explains in details how much she hates that particular woman and on day two you hear that they both have gone for shopping together?

95. Women in men bodies: These are cowards, pussies, bitching, conniving and gossiping small men.

96. Women in men bodies and manipulations: They are absolute assholes of the lowest order. They surprisingly develop easy access to the powerful men. ‘Powerful smart men’ those who surround themselves with such ‘women in men’, initiate their own doom. 'Alexander the great' was surrounded by great warriors who shared his vision, He was not surrounded by cowards. 
